Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Mary Todd Elementary students recently participated in Code Commanders, an after-school program that enables kids to explore coding and artificial intelligence (AI). They also practiced soft skills like teamwork and talked about the importance of responsibility and accountability, such as remembering to bring their ID badges and backpacks to school.
“My favorite part about Code Commanders was learning about coding because I like typing, and I liked learning how to move things in our coding program,” said fifth grader Ivan Iturbe. “I learned that if you work hard, then it will pay off. Even if it takes a long time, the work will still pay off,” added 11-year-old Austin McComas.
Community-based Code Commanders began in 2018 as a summer program for high school students. After a break during the pandemic, it has evolved and grown to include elementary age, too.